Ten Solar Auxilia Veletaris Storm Section Alternative Colour Schemes and Painting Recipes

During the Horus Heresy, there’s Space Marines. Everywhere. Half of them are really not happy and trying to kill the other half, who are equally unhappy and equally trying to kill the other half. In between, there’s the Mechanicum, the Mechanicus, the Adeptus Custodes, a heap of all manner of others, and the Solar Auxilia. Now, you’re a Solar Auxilia warrior in the 31st Millennium. You’re given heavier armour than your compatriots and an option between a gun which can effectively melt anything up to and including a Space Marine at a distance, or an axe. So what do you choose? Yep. Axe! So that’s how I built the ones Games Workshop sent my way. And painted them all sorts of different colours. So here you are! Ten Solar Auxilia Veletaris Storm Section soldiers, all in different colour schemes and all with Storm Axes because it’s Warhammer; if you can hit it in the face with a big thing, hit it in the face with a big thing.

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Saviours of Cinderfall Alternative Painting Contrast Recipes

In the Age of Sigmar, there are monsters and gargants the size of… well… gargants and Orruks riding giant pigs and humongous rotflies and rats that walk like men and undead horrors the likes of which no mind can comprehend. Oh and there’s humans, too. Lots of them. And of amongst those humans, heroes. Just some of those heroes, along with a Gryph Hound and a Stormcast Eternal with a properly massive shield. And keys. Lots and lots of keys. The Saviours of Cinderfall are out on pre-order today from Games Workshop, who saw fit to send me a box. So, of course, I painted them, created recipe cards which are available right here for you!

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20 Horus Heresy Solar Auxilia Trooper Colour Schemes and Painting Recipes All In One Place

Horus Heresy? Oh you mean the game and book series focusing upon Space Marines kicking seven shades of Athonian Camo out of each other? Yes. But there’s more to it than that. Other factions of humans and not quite humans were rolling around in the 31st millennium. Not least of which, by a long way, are the Solar Auxilia. And they now have new plastic models in the Horus Heresy tabletop game. Not only that, Games Workshop sent one of the Solar Auxilia Battle Group boxes my way (you can already see where this is going, right?). So what did I do? Yep. Twenty Solar Auxilia Troopers in twenty different colour scheme with their recipes and methods attached into easy to refer to cards for your viewing pleasure.

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