Darktide: The Miniatures Game Player Character Alternative Colour Scheme Recipes

Video games! Online video games! They’re fun, but the not so secret best part of them (the part which makes us spend countless hours playing the game, besides having fun with friends and knocking all manner of snot out of our personal bests or getting loot) is making your character look fancy. And Darktide the video game is no exception. Be it through cosmetic purchases or gear earned through gameplay, it’s undeniably fulfilling to outfit your character exactly how you want to. Painting miniatures is no exception. So, when Games Workshop sent a copy of Darktide: The Miniatures Game my way, I couldn’t resist diving straight into the four player character miniatures and given them all manner of alternative colour schemes far removed from the dark, gritty corridors of Tertium.

And here they are.

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20 Kroot Colour Schemes and Bitesize Recipe Cards Perfect for a Hobby Snack

Remember how T’au and the Kroot are a new race in the 41st Millennium? How they only came about like 4 or 5 years ago? Nope. They’ve now been a part of Warhammer 40,000 for longer than they haven’t. Feel old yet, fellow Longfangs? I sure do. Anyway! Kroot are, frankly, rad as all hell. They have tech which does what they need it to without going overboard. They hunt in packs (so THAT’S why that new army box is called the Kroot Hunting Pack). They have quills. Oh and they also eat what they kill in order to assimilate its DNA and in turn imbue themselves and future generations with certain traits of their lunch. Nothing says a great time like a little light guided cannibalism. As a result, the Kroot are about as varied in colour as an explosion in a crayon factory. But how, you ask (you’re asking, right? I assume you are, else why are you here?) would one go about painting Kroot relatively quickly in different schemes? Well, let me introduce you to some recipe cards for Kroot Carnivores what I done painted.

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Drukhari Mandrakes Alternative Colour Schemes with Citadel Contrast Paints and Recipes

What’s that behind you? Yeah that thing moving in the shadows? Oh it’s the wind. Got ya. Well in the 41st Millennium, the shadows are a little more dangerous, especially if there’s Drukhari about. They’ve got a habit of employing some decidedly nasty folks, often wearing delightfully fashionable robes made of nothing but flayed skin, called Mandrakes. These creatures, cruelty in humanoid form, love to lurk in the dark spaces then pop out and remove bits of you. If you’re lucky, they’ll kill you first. And now these fine Mandrake folks, now in plastic, are available in the Kill Team: Nightmare box.

I got sent some, so I painted a full Kill Team of them. Yep. Nine in one Kill Team. Meaning you can either keep one spare to swap out or paint them all and chop and change between what you have to keep your opponents guessing between games. Anyway! Here’s how I painted them

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Blood Bowl Gnome Team Paint Recipes and Alternative Colour Schemes

Now, coming out onto the gridiron in the game of Blood Bowl is… well they’re small, they’re wearing stitched hats, and for some reason they’ve brought a goose onto the field. The team, The Glimdwarrow Groundhogs, are up on pre-order as of time of writing, and I got the opportunity to paint them thanks to a preview copy sent my way by Games Workshop. And, since it’s Blood Bowl, it’s a primary opportunity to put your own stamp on a particular team. Hell you’re going to painting one maybe two boxes of them and a couple of star players at most. Why not do something outside of your norm? So here’s seven outside of the norm ways to paint Gnomes which I hope prove helpful!

Well, six ways and a fox, but who’s counting.

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