20 Kroot Colour Schemes and Bitesize Recipe Cards Perfect for a Hobby Snack

Remember how T’au and the Kroot are a new race in the 41st Millennium? How they only came about like 4 or 5 years ago? Nope. They’ve now been a part of Warhammer 40,000 for longer than they haven’t. Feel old yet, fellow Longfangs? I sure do. Anyway! Kroot are, frankly, rad as all hell. They have tech which does what they need it to without going overboard. They hunt in packs (so THAT’S why that new army box is called the Kroot Hunting Pack). They have quills. Oh and they also eat what they kill in order to assimilate its DNA and in turn imbue themselves and future generations with certain traits of their lunch. Nothing says a great time like a little light guided cannibalism. As a result, the Kroot are about as varied in colour as an explosion in a crayon factory. But how, you ask (you’re asking, right? I assume you are, else why are you here?) would one go about painting Kroot relatively quickly in different schemes? Well, let me introduce you to some recipe cards for Kroot Carnivores what I done painted.

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Saviours of Cinderfall Alternative Painting Contrast Recipes

In the Age of Sigmar, there are monsters and gargants the size of… well… gargants and Orruks riding giant pigs and humongous rotflies and rats that walk like men and undead horrors the likes of which no mind can comprehend. Oh and there’s humans, too. Lots of them. And of amongst those humans, heroes. Just some of those heroes, along with a Gryph Hound and a Stormcast Eternal with a properly massive shield. And keys. Lots and lots of keys. The Saviours of Cinderfall are out on pre-order today from Games Workshop, who saw fit to send me a box. So, of course, I painted them, created recipe cards which are available right here for you!

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Ushoran, Mortarch of Delusion Contrast Painting Guide

Nagash, that God of Death fella who has a nasty habit of having his plans thwarted by Skaven more through their sheer ineptitude than any fault of his own, got a new friend recently. Well, as far as an avatar of the writhing energies of unlife can afford to offer friendship at any rate. Joining his fellow Mortarchs Mannfred, Neferata, Arkhan, Katakros and Olynder comes the Summerking, the Blood Rose Prince, the Handsome. A creature of myraid epithets, Ushoran Moratch of Delusion. He’s here to lead the Flesh-eater Courts into a new era of valourous prosperity by eating as many of those they save as possible. As any good hero would. And since Games Workshop were kind enough to send me one (which was then featured alongside many other Flesh-eater Courts on the Warhammer Community site), here’s a guide to how I painted him using a basis of Citadel Contrast Paints and mixes of them with highlights and glazes.

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Warhammer: The Old World Tomb Kings – 12 Easy Bone Painting Methods

What’s Old is New. Or New is Old. Or Old Old is New Ol– anyway. Warhammer: The Old World is finally crawling out into the world from today with the Bretonnian and Tomb Kings army boxes on pre-order as well as a great deal of additional gubbins. Not long ago, Games Workshop furnished me with some of them and I will be frank, I wanted to dive head long into Bretonnians. After all, I do like painting things lots of different colours. But then it dawned on me that Tomb Kings exist. Again. And they have a whole lot of bone to paint. Now that’s great in one regard, because it means that one aspect of an army we typically see as being a massive phalanx of soldiers is 90% done. Trick is though, which bone scheme? So I grabbed the contrasts, grabbed a drybrush, and got to work.

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