Darktide: The Miniatures Game Player Character Alternative Colour Scheme Recipes

Video games! Online video games! They’re fun, but the not so secret best part of them (the part which makes us spend countless hours playing the game, besides having fun with friends and knocking all manner of snot out of our personal bests or getting loot) is making your character look fancy. And Darktide the video game is no exception. Be it through cosmetic purchases or gear earned through gameplay, it’s undeniably fulfilling to outfit your character exactly how you want to. Painting miniatures is no exception. So, when Games Workshop sent a copy of Darktide: The Miniatures Game my way, I couldn’t resist diving straight into the four player character miniatures and given them all manner of alternative colour schemes far removed from the dark, gritty corridors of Tertium.

And here they are.

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Ushoran, Mortarch of Delusion Contrast Painting Guide

Nagash, that God of Death fella who has a nasty habit of having his plans thwarted by Skaven more through their sheer ineptitude than any fault of his own, got a new friend recently. Well, as far as an avatar of the writhing energies of unlife can afford to offer friendship at any rate. Joining his fellow Mortarchs Mannfred, Neferata, Arkhan, Katakros and Olynder comes the Summerking, the Blood Rose Prince, the Handsome. A creature of myraid epithets, Ushoran Moratch of Delusion. He’s here to lead the Flesh-eater Courts into a new era of valourous prosperity by eating as many of those they save as possible. As any good hero would. And since Games Workshop were kind enough to send me one (which was then featured alongside many other Flesh-eater Courts on the Warhammer Community site), here’s a guide to how I painted him using a basis of Citadel Contrast Paints and mixes of them with highlights and glazes.

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Cities of Sigmar Steelhelms Contrast Guides

The Cities of Sigmar are coming screaming into the Age of Sigmar very, very soon. On pre-order in a couple of days as of the time of writing this post, to be exact. Now those Games Workshop folks sent me the army box for them when that released a couple of months ago. I’ve been hanging onto these guides for a while now, so it’s time to get them up and out for everyone to see!

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