Drukhari Mandrakes Alternative Colour Schemes with Citadel Contrast Paints and Recipes

What’s that behind you? Yeah that thing moving in the shadows? Oh it’s the wind. Got ya. Well in the 41st Millennium, the shadows are a little more dangerous, especially if there’s Drukhari about. They’ve got a habit of employing some decidedly nasty folks, often wearing delightfully fashionable robes made of nothing but flayed skin, called Mandrakes. These creatures, cruelty in humanoid form, love to lurk in the dark spaces then pop out and remove bits of you. If you’re lucky, they’ll kill you first. And now these fine Mandrake folks, now in plastic, are available in the Kill Team: Nightmare box.

I got sent some, so I painted a full Kill Team of them. Yep. Nine in one Kill Team. Meaning you can either keep one spare to swap out or paint them all and chop and change between what you have to keep your opponents guessing between games. Anyway! Here’s how I painted them

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Ten Alternative Striking Scorpions Contrast Colour Scheme Painting Recipes

Striking Scorpion? Green. That’s what the pot of Contrast paint behind me says. It’s also what the hind quarters of my brain immediately flashes up the second anyone says Striking Scorpion. Bit like echoing “The Greater Good” in a West Country accent whenever it’s said in earshot or yawning when another does in the room, bearing the parts of your jaw even you’ve never been privy. It’s reflexive. Learned. A trait assimilated into us for years — decades even. Striking Scorpions are green. That’s what they are.

But what if they weren’t?

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