Skaventide Stormcast Eternals New Liberators Painting Recipes and Colour Schemes – How Knot to Paint

You know how they never say you’re more than 6 feet from a rat? Well in the Age of Sigmar, you’re never more than 6 feet from a rat which stands on its hind legs, carries a rusted sickle and can bite your throat clean through without so much as a how do you do. Luckily for the people of the Mortal Realms — well, the people of the Mortal Realms who don’t want to see Sigmar burn — the Stormcast Eternals are around to deal with the problem. Not only that, they’re here now with shiny new armour. And on top of that, as it’s included in the Skaventide box, I’ve got a stack of How Knot to Paint recipe cards sat here just for you, perfect for getting an army done with nothing but Contrast Paints, mixes, and highlights.

One fairly important heads up on painting these. Do. The. Undersuit. First. It’s only a small detail but it can be a real nightmare to get to AFTER painting all of the armour. After that, they’re a piece of cake. Sigmar cake.

Hope that helps you in painting your Stormcast Eternals Liberators! If you happen to follow these recipes and find it helpful by all means feel free to let me know on X/Twitter, Instagram, Bluesky, Threads, or anywhere you can find me on the Internet!

Miniatures provided ahead of release free for promotional purposes as part of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Skaventide box

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